Henry Notaker's

Old Cookbooks and Food History

Translations of classics




Ali-Bab was the pesudonym of the engineer Henri Babinski(1855-1931) when he published his Gastronomie Pratique in 1907.



Gastronomisk Haandbog. København 1944 (Herman Dedichen). New edition 1945. Facsimile reprints 1976, 1985, 1997..



The encyclopedia of practical gastronomy. New York [1974]. (Elizabeth Benson).




The Latin cookbook from the first century attributed to the Roman gournet Apicius is known through two ninth century manuscripts. The first printed edition is from 1498.



L’art de la cuina. Barcelona 1990. (Joan Gomez I Pallares).


Llibre de cuina. Barcelona 2005. (Barbara Matas Bellés).



De re coquinaria. København 1975. (Karen Olsen and Jens Pedersen). New edition 1976.


Mad for Mons. København 1982. (Selection, W. Sylvester Thomsen).



De re coquinaria. Brussels 2001. (Nicole van der Auwera)


”Het Kookboek van Apicius”. In: W.A. Forbes: De Antieke Keuken. Bussum [1965].(Selected recipes)



Apicius. Cookery and dining in Imperial Rome. Chicago 1936 (Joseph D. Vehling) Facsimile reprint New York/ London 1977.


The Roman cookery of Apicius. London 1984. (adapted to modern cooking. John Edwards)


Apicius. Totnes 2006 (Critical edition, Christopher Grocock and Sally Grainger).



Roomalainen keittokirja. Helsinki 2002  (Tuulikki Elo, Heikki Laakkonen, Eero Valjakka)



Les Dix livres de cuisine d’Apicius. Paris 1933. (Bertrand Guégan).


L’art culinaire. Paris 1965. (Jacques André). New editions 1974, 1987.



Das Apicius-Kochbuch aus der altrömischen Kaiserzeit. Breslau/ Leipzig 1909. (Richard Gollmer). New editions 1928, 1986, 1997.


Altrömische Kochkunst in zehn Büchern. Leipzig 1911. (Eduard Danneil).


An der Tafel des Trimalcio. [München] 1959. (Max und Gabriele Faltner).


Das Kochbuch der Römer. Zürich 1970. (Selection, Elizabeth Alföldi Rosenbaum). New editions 1971, 1973, 1976, 1978, 1981, 1984, 1988, 1989, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1999.


De re copquinaria lateinisch-deutsch. Stuttgart 1991. (Robert Maier).



De re coquinaria. Thessaloniki 1988. (L.M. Tromaras). New edition 1991.



Szakácskönyv a római korból. Budapest 1996. (Orlovsky Géza, Hegedüs Zsuzsa). New edition 2003.



Delle vivande e condimenti. Venezia 1852. (Giambatista Baseggio). Facsim ile reprint Roma 1966.


De re coquinaria. [Milano] 1930. (Paolo Buzzi). New editions 1946, 1948.


La cucina di Roma. Milano 1957. (Paolo Buzzi)


De re coquinaria. Pisa 1957. (Aldo Marsili)


Manuale di gastronomia. Milano 1967. (A. Bertozzi).


De re coquinaria. Pisa 1980.


Quel ghiottonaccio Celio Apicio. Pisa 1985. (Selection)


L‘arte culinaria. Milano 1990. (Giulia Carazzali). New editions 1994, 2003, 2004.


La cucina dell’antica Roma. Roma 1990. (Clotilde Vesco). New edition ca. 1994.


De re coquinaria. [Milano] 1998. (Selection, Attilio A. del Re). New editions 2002,  2004.


I cibi di Roma imperiale. Milano ca. 2004. (Gianni Gentilini).


Antica Roma a tavola. Vimercate ca. 2005.


Manuale di gastronomia. Milano [2009].



O sztuce kulinarnej. Torun 1995. (Ireneusz Mikołajczyk, Sławomir Wyszomirsk).



O livro de cozinha de Apicio. Sintra 1997. (Inês de Ornelas e castro).



De re coquinario Español. Barcelona [2007]. (Silvia Guiu).


La cocina en la antigua Roma. Madrid 1985. (Primitiva Flores Santamaria & Esperanza Torrego Salcedo).


De re coquinaria. Barcelona 2006. (Selection based on the Italian edition by Attilio A. Del Re, Juana Barría).


De re coquinaria. [Donostia] 1995. (Miguel Ibáñez Artica).



En gammal romersk kokbok. [Stockholm 1963]. (Madeleine von Heland).





Pellegrino Artusi (1820-1911), a retired businessman, published the first edition of his cookbook La Scienza in Cucina e l’Arte di Mangiar Bene in 1891.



De wetenschap in de keuken en de kunst om goed te eten. Amsterdam 1995. (Pietha de Voogd & Mieke Geuzebroek). New editions 1997, 2001, 2004..



Science in the kitchen and the art of eating well. New York 1997. (Murtha Baca & Stephen Sartarelli). New edition 2003.



Von der Wissenschaft des Kochens und der Kunst des Geniessens. München 1982. (Thomas Münster). New edition 2000.


Der grosse Artusi. München 1986. (Thomas Münster). New edition 1991.


Von der Wissenschaft des Kochens und der Kunst des Geniessens.(with modern recipes). München 1998. (Thomas Münster & Claudia Dellatorre).


Die klassische Kochkunst Italiens (with modern recipes). Stuttgart 2005. (Thomas Münster & Claudia Dellatorre).




Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826) published his great work Physiologie du Goût in Paris in 1825.



Fysiologie chuti. Prague 1929. (Rafaela Zachystalová). New edition 1931, 1994.



Smagens Fysiologi. København 1947. (Verner Seemann). New editions 1966, 1986, 1996. A selection 1955.



Het wesen van de smaak. Ede 1987. (Wina Born). New edition 2002.



The Physiology of Taste. Philadelphia 1854. (Fayette Robinson).


The Handbook of Dining. London 1859. (Leonard Francis Simpson). New editions 1864, 1865. New York 1870.


Gastronomy as a fine art. London 1876. (R.E.Anderson). New editions 1877, 1879


Brillat-Savarin’s Physiologie du Goût. A Handbook of Gastronomy. London 1884. (A. Lalauze).


Gastronomy as a fine art, or, The science of good living. London 1889. (R.E. Anderson)


The Handbook of Gastronomy. Boston 1915.


The Physiology of taste. New York, Boni and Liveright, 1926


The Physiology of Taste. London 1925.


The Physiology of Taste. New York 1948.


The Physiology of taste. New York [1948]. New edition [1970].


The Philosopher in the Kitchen. Hammondsworth 1970. (Anne Drayton). Reprint 1981, 1994.


The Physiology of taste. New York 1949. (M.F.K. Fisher). New editions New York 1971, San Francisco 1986 and 1994, Washington DC ca. 1994 and [1999].


The Physiology of taste. New York 1926. New edition [1960] and Mineola 2002.



Maun fysiologia. Jyväskylä 1988.


Maun fysiologia. Helsinki 1988.



Physiologie des Geschmacks. Braunschweig 1865. (C. Vogt). New editions 1866, 1867, 1878, 1885, 1913.


Physiologie des Geschmacks. Leipzig [1885]. (Robert Habs]. New editions [ca. 1886], [ca. 1915], [1926].


Physiologie des Geschmacks. München 1913. (Heinrich Conrad).


Physiologie des Geschmacks. Leipzig 1913. (Emil Ludwig). New edition 1923.

Die Freuden der Tafel. München 1922. (Gertrud von Helmstett). New edition 1954.


Physiologie des Geschmacks. Wien/ Stuttgart 1962. (Alexander sacher-Masoch)


Physiologie des Geschmacks. München 1962. (Anjuta Dünnwald). New edition 1976.


Physiologie des Geschmacks. Lindau 1978. (Reprint of C. Vogts translation, 1878 edition).


Physiologie des Geschmacks. Frankfurt a.M. 1979. (Reprint of Emil Ludwig’s translation, 1923 edition). New editions 1986, 1991, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2007.


Physiologie des Geschmacks. Leipzig 1983. (Reprint of Vogt’s 1865 translation). New editions 1984, 1991



Az izlés fiziologiája. Budapest 1912. (Ambrus Zoltán, Ambrus Gisella). New edition [1986].



Smakens fysiologi. Oslo 2007. (The Roland Barthes edition from 1975, Knut Stene-Johansen).



Fiziologia smaku. Warszawa 1973. (Wacław Zawadzki, Joanna Guze) . New edition 1977, 1996, 1997.



Fyziológia chuti. Bratislava 1987. (María Marta Gálová)



Fisiología del gusto. México 1852. (Eufemio Romero)


Fisiología del gusto. Madrid 1869. (Conde de Rodalquilar).  New editions  1953,. 1986, [1999]..


Fisiología del gusto. Madrid 1964. (Luis Hernández Alfonso). New edition 1987.


Fisiología del gusto. Madrid 1966. (Antonio Espina).


Fisiología del gusto. Barcelona 1970. (Jesúis Manuel Marijuán Fernández).


Fisiología del gusto. Madrid 1978. (María del Carmen Muley).


Fisiología del gusto. Barcelona 2001.


Fisiología del paladar. [San Sebastian] 1995. (J. Oñas de Ursua)


Elogio del gastrónomo. Madrid 1942 (Selection).



Smakens fysiologi. Stockholm 1924 (Algot Ruhe). New editions 1958, 1963, 1976, 1985.


Om bordets nöjen. Stockholm 1953. (Selection, C. Oscar F. Setterblad jr.).





The French chef and restaurateur Georges Auguste Escoffier (1846-1935) published several cookbooks, among them Le guide Culinaire (1903), Le Livre des Menus (1912), Ma Cuisine (1934).



Moje francouzská kuchyně. Prague ca. 2007. (Vladimír Čadský).



Kunsten at koge. København 1909  New edition 1910


Nutidens og Fremtidens Køkken. København 1945. (Paula Biehe).


A.Escoffier’s store kogebog. København 1927. (Otto Bock). New editions 1972, 1992.



Moderne Kookkunst. Hague 1915-1919. (P.F. Loncke & A.M. van Kempen).


Handboek voor de keuken. Amsterdam 1952. (P.F. Loncke & F.G. Swidde)


Escoffier voor de keuken van nu Hors d’oeuvre. Utrecht 1989. (Andringa, Wiebe).


Het kookboek van de klassieke keuken. Utrect 1994/1995.



A guide to modern cookery. London 1907. New editions 1909, 1911, 1913, 1916, 1920, 1926, 1929, 1930, 1933, 1935, 1935, 1939, 1951, 1952, 1957, 1959, 1961, 1966, 1977, 1994,


Escoffier's cook book of desserts, sweets, and ices. New York ca. 1941.


Escoffier’s basic elements of fine cookery, including sauces and garnishes. New York [ca. 1941]. New edition 1966.


The Escoffier cook book. A guide to the fine art of cookery. New York [ca 1941]. New editions 1944, 1951, 1963, 1966, 1969, 1975, 1976, 1989.


Ma cuisine. London [1965]. (Vyvyan Holland). New editions 1978, 1984, 1991, ca. 2000.


The complete guide to the art of modern cookery.  Oxford 1979. (H.L. Cracknell & R.J. Kaufmann). New editions 1981, 1984, 1986, 1995, 2003, 2004, 2006.


The illustrated Escoffier. London 1987. (Selection from The complete guide by Anne Johnson). New edition 1989.


Hors d’oeuvre. London ca. 1988. (Selection and adaption from The complete guide by Anne Johnson).


Stocks, sauces and garnishes. London ca. 1988. (Selected from The complete guide).



Kochkunstführer. Frankfurt 1904. (Adolf Anker). New editions 1906, 1910, 1914, 1923. Later editions (Walter Bickel) 1950, 1960, 1964, 1976, 1979, 1982, 1988, 1993



Il libro del menu. Milano 1983. (Massimo Alberini)


La mia cucina. Napoli 1984. (Elsa Marotta).


Guida alla grande cucina. Padova 1990.


Il grande libro della cucina francese. Roma 1996, 2001



Nutidens och framtidens kök. Stockholm 1932. (Paul Arbin).


Escoffiers stora kokbok. 2 vol. Stockholm 1927-1928. New edition 1982.


Handledning i modern kokkonst. Stockholm 1909. (Ingrid Törngren).



Mi cocina. Barcelona [1960]. New edition [1965]., [1968], 1989, 2001.




The French chef and pastry cook Jules Gouffé (1807-1877) published Le livre de cuisine in 1867, Le livre des conserves in 1869 and Le livre de pâtisserie in 1873.



Groot practisch kookboek. Gouda 1870.  (A. Kreunen). New edition [1895].



The Book of Preserves. London 1871. (Alphonse Gouffé)


The Royal Book of Pastry and Confectionary. London 1874. (Alphonse Gouffé).


The Royal Cookery Book. London 1868. (Alphonse Gouffé). New editions 1869, 1880, 1883,

Reprint Wakefield 1973.



Die feine Küche. Leipzig 1872. New editions 1880-1883 (2 vol), [1892}, [1898]. Reprint Hildeshein 2009.



Il libro della cucina. Milano 1895.



El libro de cocina. Madrid 1885


El libro de cocina. Madrid 1914




Filippo Tommaso Emilio Marinetti (1876-1944), the founder of the futurist movement, published in 1932, with the futurist artist Filliá (Luigi Colombo),a mixture of cookbook and culinary manifesto, La cucina futurista.



The futurist Cookbook. San Francisco c. 1989. (Suzanne Bell)



La cuisine futuriste. Paris 1982. (Nathalie Heinich).  



Die futuristische Küche. Stuttgart 1983. (Klaus).



Futuristisk kokebok. Oslo 2001. (Steinar Lone).



La Cocina Futurista. Barcelona 1985. (Guido Filippi)


 La Cocina Futurista. Madrid 1985. (José Antonio Sarmiento).




Elena Ivanovna Molokhovets (Елена Ивановна Молоховец) (1831-ca. 1918) was author of the classic Russian cookbook A Gift to Young Housewives (Подарок молодым хозяйкам), first published in 1961, went through 20 editions and was sold in more than a quarter million copies.



Classic Russian Cooking: Elena Molokhovets' A Gift to Young Housewives. Bloomington 1992. (Joyce Toomre).




Magdalena Dobromila Rettigová (1785-1845) was the author of the Czech classic Domácí kuchařka aneb Pojednání o masitých a postních pokrmech pro dcerky české a moravské, published in Prague in 1826. The next year a German version was published:



Die Hausköchin, oder leichfassliche und bewährte Anweisung, auf die vortheilhafteste und schmackhafteste Art Fleisch- und Fastenspeisen zu kochen, zu backen und einzumachen; Tafeln nach der neuesten Art zu decken; nebst vielen andern nützlichen, in der Haushaltung oft unentbehrlichen Sachen. Prag 1827. New editions 1829, 1833, 1838, 1843, 1848, 1849, 1852, 1856, 1861, 1864, 1867, 1870, 1873, 1877, 1881, 1884, 1888, 1893, 1896, 1902, 1907. A new edition with the title Altböhmisches Kochkunst was published in Wien in 1987.




The French chef Alexis Soyer (1809-18581859), established in London, was author of several cookbooks in English, among them The Gastronomic Regenerator (1846), The Modern Housewife or Menagère (1849) and A Shilling Cookery for the People (1854).



De bekwame huisvrouw. Gouda 1854.



La Cuisine de Soyer, ou le Gastronome régénerateur. Paris 1846.



Alexis Soyer’s Koch- und Wirtschaftsbuch, oder: die erfahrene Hausfrau. Berlin 1854. (Translation of the 25th English edition from 1853, B. Klopsius).



Alex. Soyers populära riksdalers-kokbok. Stockholm 1858.



Last update 12 OCT 2009.